At Christmas I attend a range of cheesy and kitschy exhibitions. I find it therapeutic to look at silly things I’ve never cared for throughout the year but suddenly find important because it’s Christmas. That’s why I’ve been to a nutcracker exhibition, seen a Christmas bauble glassblower and attended Vienna’s Christmas nativity set exhibition. What’s a nativity set exhibition about? Well, nativity sets, obviously. Old and modern ones, ones from India and Germany’s Erzgebirge, ones from straw or lime tree wood. Walking through the exhibition, I took pictures of each and every one. For my Mum. But after the first 8 I was bored. Then I noticed something interesting! Each and every nativity set has slightly different figurines. Obviously there’s Maria, Joseph, Baby Jesus, the Three Kings, shepherds and sheep. I love sheep! But they’re all somehow unique. So I decided to compare all the different sheep. Who’s your favourite?