Winter Party Festival in Miami Beach was an unforgettable event. Dancing between 500 half naked and good looking man…
The festival, organized my the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, is taking place every year for six days in Miami Beach. The Winter Party Festival Miami has a wide range from elegant cocktail parties, art exhibition to nightclub and the famous Sunday’s Beach Party. Winter Party Festival raises funds to build power, take action and create change for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. I was attending the hottest Winter Party in the world. Here are my personal facts and impressions:
Distance travelled: 9000km (from Tampa to Miami and back to Berlin)
I drunk: 6 Bacardi which put me out of order
Sleeping time: 5 hours
Waiting time toilets: Only 32 seconds in 6 hours. No women, no waiting time ;)
Offered drugs: None
Listen to: Djs Joe Gauthreaux
Beer price: 6 Dollar
Pictures I took: 280, most of them a naked bodies…
Video material: 32 minutes
Toilets: 55 Dixies
I get to know: Dieter from Germany
The sentence I have heard most of the time: „You are cute.“
My favorite moment: Getting tones of condoms for free
Und die Luis Vuitton immer dabei
Mein Lieblingspärchen
Kein vorteilhafter Winkel…
Was schaust du so nachdenklich? Kannst dich nicht entscheiden, wa?
Die Trendfarben des Sommers – pink und türkis!
Die Winter Party Festival Flagge
Miami ist gesehen und gesehen werden – auch auf der Party
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Dancing Queen…
Männer fallen mit Sonnenbrillen auf…
…oder Mützen
Oder akrobatischen Bewegungen.
Und dann ging auch schon die Sonne unter
2 Kommentare
sounds like the perfect festival! :D
YES!!!!! :)